Sermons @ OCC

This series looks at the Gospel of Mark through the lens of living as a disciple of Christ in a world filled with persecution and crisis.

In this two-week series, we first celebrate Palm Sunday by reflecting on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem; it prompts listeners to evaluate if their self-righteousness impedes their engagement with God's work. In the second sermon, we celebrate Easter by delving into the Christ Hymn in Philippians 2:5–11, learning that Jesus is the name above all names!

Genesis is the first book of the Bible for two of the major world religions. But what is in it? What does it have to say, and how does this teach us about Jesus? This nine-week series on Genesis will look at some of the foundational stories in the first book of the Bible.

While the new year is typically about adding new things—new goals, new habits, and new routines—this series challenges us to let go. To let go of things that weigh us down, regrets that hold us back, and destructive mindsets that are grounded in lies instead of in God’s truth.

This series explores several Advent passages and reminds us that God, through Jesus, has brought comfort in our pain and joy through salvation. As a result, we can prepare our lives for redemption and share the message of Jesus with the world by living in His hope, peace, joy, and love.

This series unpacks the most influential practices the apostles documented in Acts. The early church thrived in the face of persecution, performed miracles, and saw growth because they were devoted to the practices Jesus established; they fellowshipped with one another; they broke bread together; and they took prayer seriously.

This series examines the remarkable spread of the gospel and the kingdom of God from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world. Jesus has commissioned every one of his followers to be his witness by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In this four-week series, Habakkuk begins by complaining and questioning God, who seems silent and unconcerned about his people. Yet, as God reveals his divine work, Habakkuk must let go of his own expectations and wait patiently for God to fulfill his divine purposes in his timing and ways. In the end, Habakkuk’s complaint gives way to a beautiful trust in God that is not based upon the prophet’s circumstances.

This single-week sermon looks at Paul the apostle’s conversion story. From persecutor of the early church to one of the greatest figures in Christendom, Paul’s story is an incredible testimony of God’s powerful and redeeming love.